Hahahaha @ Feanors Best Player list!

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Hahahaha @ Feanors Best Player list!

Lmao! Feanor put himself as fourth in No F/FS, and HolyLord as fifth! First off, Feanor you are complete trash compared to HolyLord at his best. You put 2010-2012 as you're best time,and Holylord as 2009 (he went inactive around mid 2011) so that means he was active when you were at your peak. But I have never seen one single ss of you owning HolyLord in a 1v1 in no ffs,never. In fact, I have seen tons and tons of ss vs YOU loosing in 1v1's during that period of time! Their in your own forum, go check em out.
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Re: Hahahaha @ Feanors Best Player list!

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Re: Hahahaha @ Feanors Best Player list!

that doesnt mean you still have to be infront of holylord... he will kick your ass so easy.