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Ferocious Just got Burnt,Get Some aloe Vera Hippie

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Ferocious Just got Burnt,Get Some aloe Vera Hippie

773 posts
U said the meaning of Faggot is slang for gay.Suck on that Dipshit.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Ferocious Just got Burnt,Get Some aloe Vera Hippie

261 posts
Haha , that further shows what an illiterate shithole you are . I was  swearing the holy shit out of you and many words have multiple meanings . The word faggot too has more than 1 meaning . One is  what you gave and the other is a slang for gay.

Here you go , wikipedia

You have to see the context on what our was about . It was me bullshitting upon you.

You lose again . Our score 12423495:0

Please don't try to prove me wrong now because I've proved my point and it's inevitable.
