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Feanor, another problem in your site. And for all who think Cow-Throwing is cheating.

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Feanor, another problem in your site. And for all who think Cow-Throwing is cheating.

66 posts
This post was updated on Oct 20, 2012; 3:28am.
In your cheaters list, you have listed "Used Cows in No F/FS"
Tell me, if you go to a restaurant, and order some cow meat, are they going to bring you rocks? No. Clearly, cow throwing is not cheating when the rules are no ffs, because a cow is nowhere near being a rock, nor fire. A rock is a simple abiotic thing. Whereas a cow is a biotic living organism. You are clearly mistaken, and should get that off your Cheating List. This has been discussed hundreds of times in the past, and the final decision was that cow throwing is not against the rules in no ffs.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

407 posts
Throwing cows in no ffs isn't breaking the rule, but most players suck and can't handle doing it without accidentally throwing some rocks. If you aren't good enough at micromanaging then you'll probably fuck up and throw some rocks, then that'd be breaking a the rule.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

66 posts
I suppose. I am talking about in general though. I have played with Sebas multiple times, and he would use cow throwing. Though he never threw flying stones, therefore should not be in the cheating list. I do not know about the other players, so I have no say on them.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

701 posts
In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
it's not a cheat unless you use rocks

why do you give a shit about feanor's site?
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

66 posts
I'm not really doing this thread for Feanor, I am trying to get people to read this. Players now a days complain too much about using cows in no ffs. All the time I used it, my opponent woild just quit.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

701 posts
reminds me of the people who would get mad at me when i used ballista on towers in no flying stone games.

since when are ballista arrows = flying stones?
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

19 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
True That...:)
*V*  ~Return of the True King~
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

116 posts
In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
While you're trying to get people read this do you wonder how many times you try to make fun of the same people,'online stupid people' (which think using cows in no fire fs is a cheat).Try to digg into the problems deeper and dont speak what you can't handle because when you do that then you go through the something what is the opposite of the logic.Btw that comparation about restaurant is pretty funny,restaurants have nothing to do with playing video games online.Cow is living organism but cow is in SHC can't be organism,it's just a game option or your lord if you want to look like that xD.From the perspective of game cow can be rock because its about game options,their use or disuse defined rules.From the perspective of life it cant be te same. I'm sure Feanor thinks that using cows in no fire fs is correct so your words of the complaint have no value.Using cows is definitely correct but so noobish , like using massive trap fields. Cheers

'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

66 posts
First of all, why do you think I am ridiculing Feanor? You think by trying to help him AND his site, I end up making fun of him? No. Everyone makes mistakes. I did this thread so Feanor, and the rest of the community can understand that Cow-Throwing is not against the rules in No F/FS.
Secondly, I gave that restaurant example because, I wanted to say it in the simplest form, that a Cow is not a Rock. It cannot get any dumber than that, even a mentally ill mammal can figure that out; a Cow is not a Rock.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

407 posts
In reply to this post by Moonwalker
lots of stupidity packed in 1 shitty paragraph
JustKing wrote
While you're trying to get people read this do you wonder how many times you try to make fun of the same people,'online stupid people' (which think using cows in no fire fs is a cheat).Try to digg into the problems deeper and dont speak what you can't handle because when you do that then you go through the something what is the opposite of the logic.Btw that comparation about restaurant is pretty funny,restaurants have nothing to do with playing video games online.Cow is living organism but cow is in SHC can't be organism,it's just a game option or your lord if you want to look like that xD.From the perspective of game cow can be rock because its about game options,their use or disuse defined rules.From the perspective of life it cant be te same. I'm sure Feanor thinks that using cows in no fire fs is correct so your words of the complaint have no value.Using cows is definitely correct but so noobish , like using massive trap fields. Cheers
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site. And for all who think Cow-Throwing is cheating.

20 posts
In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
Skipping discussion about steaks, nfs (title found by Jasiu :D) means a rule which cant be marked so mostly host sets cows off too to dont make any catapults in game, but at last cows are separate rule.
Moooooooooooo   run RUN ! :D
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

116 posts
In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
I really didn't you say you were trying to make fun of him,I dont care about individuals,unlike you,I am talking generally about the game. You are trying to explain people that cow isnt cheat,thats good,but same people are ridiculed by you or will be ridiculed,or were ridiculed and your defeinsive mechanism is 'everyone make mistakes'. I'm sure you are one of the people which think that besides learning and improving skills the second game point is making fun of the stupid people,there is no doubt,expecially if you are gamespy player sometimes its pleasure for you to do that because on the other side is gameranger player...
Btw everyone says in SHC 'nobody is perfect' and 'everyone make mistakes', its true but they forget that people can strive for perfection or that making mistakes sometimes happen on purpose.If your mistake is making fun of the stupid people then your purpose is to laugh on other people and you feel good then,deep down you know it's bad but you still do it.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

1021 posts
its quite philosophical. i have made some kind of similar post about  gilman, who actually isnt a bad man.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

Banned User
157 posts
No,I'm bad to bad things.
Still thx unframed.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

701 posts
In reply to this post by Moonwalker
JustKing wrote
expecially if you are gamespy player sometimes its pleasure for you to do that because on the other side is gameranger player...

its true  xD
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

66 posts
In reply to this post by Moonwalker
In a way, yes it is "making fun of him", because Feanor just puts some stupid things on his site. And worst of all, he has been playing since 2005. So he should know the rules by now.
And yes, both me and Feanor are GSA players.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: Feanor, another problem in your site.

1021 posts
really ?  even in  2009 he was a noob/average. interesting lol... i mean i doubt he played for real then ,if he did