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Re: F-united.tk

HAHa sS of tHe WeEK RockZZ
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Re: F-united.tk

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Re: F-united.tk

In reply to this post by Aslam
erec you are so pathetic. If you are going to accuse me about being an aka, at least invent some beleivable story. No one can lose to you with 1 kill idiot -.-
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Re: F-united.tk

lusenrad you're fucking retarded. Dingo and I know your clamber btw.
Here's to prove your retardness
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Re: F-united.tk

if he  is clamber,  he  is  pretty smart guy. not about playing
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Re: F-united.tk

No one can lose to you with 1 kill idiot -.- ....ahahahhahaha,true....he is just a noob camper with monks who think have skill in fs.Lmao.
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Re: F-united.tk

 People like you and apokalips etc expect me to leave my castle once im in an armament/ defense position. There's a difference between camping and defending. If you put it that way, I've seen many people do it, even your beloved founder tbag.
lol i camp? dh maybe you forgot those 5 matches of ours where i rushed you with knights and the maximum kills u got was 18. Then you called me a cheater and left. I camped by winning against dingo in those 6 matches?. Just because I don't attack first doesn't mean im the camper. Dont laugh your ass off noob, you need it for some gay sex with lusenrad. Either that or maybe you just wanna get your tiny ass kicked in shc again
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Re: F-united.tk

haha,i never got 18 kills vs you,18 kills to noob like you lol? And you talking about matches who was 5 months ago when i joined df,you are funny.Yes you rushed me with 30/40 knights and 40/50 macemans and you kill me from 1 attack,that proves what a noob i was.Try now to kill me with same tactic and stop lieing people...You are like Blacky,he said " maybe next time more then 9 kills,and we never had a 1v1 game.
 " Every fu is the best fu from fu - fools united."
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Re: F-united.tk

go get laid dh, u need it.
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Re: F-united.tk

In reply to this post by Erec
Erec stop talking shit. You aren't so good. You are just one more player. I have seen lots of players with your same level skill. And as I said, the best way to see who's best is by playing not by talking shit.
So I challenge you to play 5 games in all rules with a watcher.
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Re: F-united.tk

ahahaha just for this, im gonna re-install shc and play on my laptop. Just to prove to your im 100x better than you. We get the 3 weeks canada games break so i'll start this weekend. i'll start playing vs you on sunday 20th. i never lost vs you in the past 6 months and prob not will. In our last 1v1 i remember you leaved like a pussy http://img828.imageshack.us/i/lusendradquitter.jpg/

btw clamber its okay to lose by 1 kills against me. noob you will never be as good as me, never were, never capable of being. You suck at fs, that is all i have to say. last time i saw you, you were worse than shinobi - seriously u were
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Re: F-united.tk

The only you can do is to give account to another person because you know well that your poor and tiny brain don't allow you to achieve your desires.
Like all niggers: Liars, embarrassing, fakers, mediocre, thieves and pathetic.
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Re: F-united.tk

FU Slave sucks more then blacky hl bd and barth simpson together :((((((((((..
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Re: F-united.tk

In reply to this post by Lusenrad
Why the fuck is someone from from South America being racist? The rest of the world regards everybody in south america in the same way as they do Africa. Erec isn't african, but still, even Africa has helped humanity move forward more than South America, what the fuck has any country in South America ever done except for sacrifice people?
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Re: F-united.tk

The rest of world hates Usa because of their imperialist ideas.
If the rest of the world is being racist with South America, it's because they are dumb or retards. South
America is a mixture of europeans. It's true that northern countries like Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Ecuador are mostly mixtures of indian and black people. But that's a world apart. Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil are countries plenty of europeans. Thousands of europeans emigrated to South America when the 2nd World War finished. So it's like they are being racist with a part of themselves. Idiots.
And for Usa, it's time to open eyes. More than half of Usa is sinking in the water.
In about 20 - 30 years China will be the new main power of the world. That's why because Usa is running out of resources and China is overwhelming every industry.
So americans, the worst nightmare will be probably in Usa. Open your eyes...
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Re: F-united.tk

The only reason any country in South America is remotely modern is because of spanish imperialism. It's funny though, you call people who are racist idiots, yet you are being racist. I already knew you were an idiot, but thanks for admitting it.

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Re: F-united.tk

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
Dingo, that might be the "most awesome" comment ever in the forums.. I love it, "sacrifice people" haha you guys all crack me up.  You guys are arguing about things you don't have but a small idea about Lusenrad.  You don't have American's to blame for imperialism.  Imperialism has existed in every society in some form of another since civilizations began, don't be an American hater because the rest of the world wants to be.  Thats ignorant and lame.

At least when you guys argue about SHC its pure opinions and speculation.  So leave out the real world discussions because you know less about those, where it seems you leave facts under the rug and babble randomly about things you 'think' you know about.

