Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
3 posts
Civo = tbag.
Simply,Dingo is defending friend Civo because he will give him 20cm cock in tha fat ass lol.I understand you guys,you are homosexuals and also best friends,but please admit that you are Tbag,please.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
1 post
see this,i had conversation with Ares.
34923490234324343242432432 : Civo is Tbag
Ares:Yes :P
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
7 posts
lol dh,i don't have nothing to see,everyone know that Civo=Tbag,read topic.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
7 posts
~>KOD<~Raven - Dh - MethodMen in conversation with Feanor.
~>KOD<~Raven:Civo is Tbag,i am gonna use his name in games.
Feanor:yes he is,i beat him.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
7 posts
MethodMen in conversation with X CON member - Maly. Method man is known as " hi " on gr,you should find his account.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
976 posts
if everybody believes in something does that make it true? the whole world used to believe the world was flat, and that the sun orbited around the earth.
However, sometimes popular opinion is right, for example, 99% of people think you're an idiot, and they are right.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
7 posts
What is this,you are not online,i'm.I though are you are in school,hiding under an aka lmao,you have chance to beat the best in game 2v2.
Why you talk about am i idiot or not lol.This topic is about TBag aka of Civo BASTARD.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
7 posts
Ding dong said :
"99% of people think you're an idiot, and they are right.
if everybody believes in something does that make it true?"
Are you stupid son?? MUST BE STUPID KID.D-fence men,wait no fucking chance....
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
154 posts
FUCK OFF MethodMen, Who cares Civ0= t-baG??
Both belongs to [>dog-family<]
And if you care about them go beat them. I want to see them dead + little dingo too.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
4 posts
I care.
I'm waiting Dingo to delete him from the site,until he doesn't do that i will talk here and on gr.
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
120 posts
lol hahahaha no one cares about dingo cuz he biggest idiot+stupid
and his whole clan sucks AKAS [>DOG-FAMILY<] should be kicked from GR because they suck ((W@W)) rules the world
Re: Even if Civonarish and Dingo have 2vs1 in conversation ,they can't prove that Tbag is not Civo because i am fucking verbal warrior and i like everyone know that CIVO=Tbag.
4 posts
he can be idiot,liar,actor but he is not stupid lol.He know to hide akas perfectly for a years.
As for [>Da-Fakers] they sucks right know.