Downsizing Game play gradually.

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Downsizing Game play gradually.

We all know that Gamespy players were alot better than 1st Generation of Gr players. I Pretty much owned everyone in 2013 in noffs and was hailed as the best in that time but what u didnt know was the only time i quitted in 2013 was vs a DHK player who destroyed my 130shields 100+ ha and more than 90 knights through his camping, same tactic that worked on every other guy failed vs this old generation player.
Now i played vs a top expert(Wont say his name) in 5pt a 2v2 game, his pop was killed, eco sneaked, he crashed and started pointing fingers at me abt using some sort of a glitch. All jokes apart, this 5pt gameplay i used failed miserably vs an out of form F.U Blacky and i was in my prime vs Blacky. Somehow the players became even noobish and slower than 1st generation of gr players. Their new gameplay depend alot on opponent's response.
I Refer to 1st generation of Gr players as those who werent from Gamespy and started shc on gr.
P.S I Was never the best, at the most a Quick Beast.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Downsizing Game play gradually.

you still sound like a fag, let's see  your comment here after 5 years.
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Re: Downsizing Game play gradually.

In reply to this post by Fahad
hoah it's been a while
I serve you and you serve my people instead.
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Re: Downsizing Game play gradually.

-=W.L=- MysticaL |F|
In reply to this post by Fahad
Sometimes you win and sometimes... you win some more.