Describe your clans in one word.

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Describe your clans in one word.

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Re: Describe your clans in one word.

GoC = Start

DHK = hi

X-CON = Homosexuals

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Re: Describe your clans in one word.

In reply to this post by admin
{{DHK}} - Dicks/Assholes/Douchebags/Liars
{GoC} - Friendly
[X-CON] - Cool
=TKo= - Firendly
{{TLK}} - Friendly
{X2X} - Cool
((LT-U)) - Sad history
[>D-F<] - Dogs
{{HELL}} - Demons
~>KOD<~ - Alright
[NDR-DRGN] - Friendly
~)ULC(~ - Friendly
{{SCK}} - Friendly
=G$F= - Cool
=G$G= - Thugs
=Pl@yaZ= - Cool
=K@W= - Cool
{F.U} - Virgins