2 posts
there is no difference between you and riva and between tbag and civo.Both of you are retarded,make stupid descriptions.You talk english same like him,you are riva dude.
Civo smell hl's but on tbag he insult him etc...and act bad person lmao.But HL is enough smart to see that.
Sucker like Dingo recruited bigesst suckers ever to DF - Apollo-Erec Riva-Lance
Both of you has ugly face,and poor pakistan life without knowledge about real lfe.Now i see why df was worst clan,because of fools from FU .
Also Azura got Tbag's and Dingo's and Civo's ip and we all know that Dingo played under T-Bag,while Civo was on Civo.
die in hell motherfucker....
"Tbag never existed".