DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

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DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

[X-CON] Ares
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

recently i have seen  that  xcon is most unfriendly clan. not 2 and not three times recently  i went to the room  and saw 2 xcons , one other player and of course  me , and  xcons never were a team.  xcon  always  was a host and never put  his clanmate as a teammate .  only  lider ,  ares or jasiu   play together if its possible(ex dhks also maybe). So maybe you  consider some  your players to be total noobs if you dont like  them to be in team? huh?  
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
I left because few DHK members have joined KOD and Tha-King was asking me to join everyday lol. Also HL and Bar were mostly inactive. ( I am an old DHK member xD )
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

[X-CON] Ares
In reply to this post by MAX POWER
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

So maybe play less "fair games" educate and train up your x-con recruits........
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

Do LT-U members want to join D-F? If you join us, we'll declare war on X-CON and destroy their clan with your help.
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

hahahah   DOG  agine war??????
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

In reply to this post by (LT-U)Lietuvis_tikras
va su unframend eikit i d-f klana,pakowosim pres jus ,nes tu visa lt-s klana prasikai ir is lt-u isejem su nl del tawo kaltes chujowas tu vadeiva lietuvi turi pripazinti , haha ;p
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

Cia apo tik zaidimas ,as negaliu mest darbo ir sedet GR istisas dienas.Kiek galiu tiek prisedu.Beje NL jau lt-u ir antras dalykas ,kada LT-U buvo klestejimo laikas gsa tu jau tada verkei ,kad nori i x-con ,nes jie lose be katu.Kitas dalykas ,kai Vytas paliko shc ir visi paliko ,o like isejo i kitus klanus ,tada as viska sugrazinau ,sukuriau lt-s ,ismokiau lost ir vel gyvavo lt-u ,apart to kai manes nera verktum ,tai galetum truputi imtis iniciatyvos ir padet klanui ,pamokinti naujokus ,ne vien vadines juos nubais.O ka tu nuveikei per tuos 2-3 metus budamas LT-U ? ant 2 map ismokai zaist? Tu isvis nieko neveiki ,man isvis nusispjaut ant tokiu zaideju kaip tu ,ar tu esi ar taves nera tame LT-U koks man skirtumas ,vistiek nieko neveiki.Nors turnyruose padalyvautum ,jei primeti toki solo zaideja gera ,nors apie katas neturi ne zalio supratimo.Vo taip ,liudini tavo popieriai ,apo.
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

In reply to this post by Apokalips
Tikiuosi su x-conais ismoksi zaist ir po kokiu 2-3 metu ateity turesiu gal lygiaverti varzova :D
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

In reply to this post by (LT-U)Lietuvis_tikras
jo cia tik zaidimas ,  tai tik tavo nuomone kad as su katais bloagai losiu ,tu nesi jou taks super star esi paprastas geras zaidejas ,esi pasikeles labai jou ,ir as losiu kaip noriu tu manes nemokyk blet ,
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

Bet pats supranti ,kad LT-U tu nieko gero nepadarei, tai man aiskint kaip as turiu vadovaut tau nereikia ,nes tu nuo to nenukentejai.Tu ar butum x-con,ar d-f ar dhk ,vistiek zaisi kaip zaides ,taip pat nieko daugiau nedarysi ar neveiksi.
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

o ka tu gero esi padares? manou tik blogo ;p o pres 2metus tu man visa laik prakisinejai 1v1 , ka jou atminti praradei? jai geriou losi tai tylek o ne zemink zaidejus savo klaniskius
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

ne pries du ,o pries tris ,tiek toli i praeiti nenusikeliu.Gla kada ir tada pralaimejau.Ka as padariau ,atkuriau lt-u ,sukuriau lt-s ,ismokiau lost zaidejus.Ko tau dar reikia?  o ple prie 3 metus esu praleimejes ir didesniems nubams nei tu ,oj kaip blogai losiau ,paskutiniais metai bandauz istaisyt savo reputacija :D
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

as nei vieno klano zaidejo nesu pazemines ,o kas is musu visus LT-S nubais vadindavo?m? ne tu? O kadangi tu ne LT-U ,tai tave galiu nubu vadinti cha cha .I ka tu pries tai ? pasiulysi 1v1 ir bandysiu mane nudet ir sakyt :'va kas cia nubas" m?:D zinai ,kad nepavyks,todel tavo atsakymas toks nubiskas "as nezaidziu 1v1 zaidimu" :DDDD
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

Translate please all this, my English is bad, but google translate at all a bad translation of your words in Lithuanian! =-)
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

they argue 1) who is noob and  who is not :D  2) how much each of them made to make lt-u a good clan so  you can tell your opinion  about these two players .
apo , tu beje  irgi norejai mane kikint kai lts buvau :D  lietuvis man suteike nemazai informacijos , o is taves kazin ko ismokau. man tik reikia ismokt  atsigint nuo staigiu puolimu , neneigsiu kad  esu taip gaves ne syki , bet taiposi nepamenu maco per kuri  butum laimejes  jeigu po pt manes  nenudejai rushu. zodziu pasaulis yra grazus :D
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

pats mokykis lost o ne is kitu ;p jo jo gink lietuvi jus tik 2 likot xDDDDD
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

ot ir ne du .Vistiek nemoki zaist ,mes kandam skaudziau :D
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Re: DHK ONE person "best" Clan......

eik tu pats tu nemoki lost;p