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i lost my opinion here. i'll just quit all games if i see unclear things. wasting of time, but what can i do, i like this game! |
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Lord artangnant after 5 months comed to gr and owned me in game lol,that is funny.When i played iran, when he was noob,he always had 20 k more then me,but he made me only 10 kills,i to him 300.It means that he didnt try to play,cuz he want to hide his personal identity.He's aka+retard.But still he sucks.
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Yeah, we were going to be friends and u ruined it by your this silly dream! Im not cheater, thats all!
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Yeah, we were going to be friends and u ruined it by your this silly dream! Im not cheater, thats all!
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Lol 50shields in 8secs? What Fd could learn you? Maybe use any program?There is nothing to learn making shields ,just click and click lol.I don't think normal people can make 7shields in 1second...Fucking cheater.
And How, human human to human that's how human human to human.
I'm the best in game you know that :F |
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In reply to this post by Silent Assassin
i was waiting for this discussion very long time. since i heard about df program to making shields
i didnt want to be first person who insult df but now many players think the same. its so pathetic to use this shit
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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I dont know what to think,but i will say that all cheaters can catch dh for a dick and suck him.I have never saw Silent as cheater in game,but Iran is using tm,i'm sure.Btw,i watched while Legenda make shields,and he is fastest in that,but if someone can make 8,you have to take a video of that,and upload and then you proved it.In other,you cant call anyone cheater,if u dont have proofs.
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And when i played no f fs games with iran,he always had about 50 sheilds more lol.That's the reason why he dont group he can make 500 for 5 sec.And that's the reason why he can make so much ha,and that's the reason why he is using only ha in no f fs.And that's the reason why he is sure that i cant beat,and that no one can beat in no f fs.
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
I want to agree with this theme, about x2x iran. I saw + got to video today how he made shields in same way as here talks about silent assasin, 5 shield/second. But tm for wood buying etc i didnt notice about. Only this automatclicker or what ever for shields + cats.
-that game was X2X Iran vs Feanor no f only + me as watcher. |
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yes i saw with my own eyes he made cats and shidels strange. I start thinking what the shit program he use. So IRAN say to us all what program???? just interessing.... but cheaters anyway suck
maybe if you not use cheat vs me you will win . |
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Once a cheater clan, always a cheater clan.
this is from 2006: www.freewebs.com/x2xcheats times haven't changed :( ...and now they infect DF with cheaters too, I guess let us remain clean and anti-cheats and not be infected like those weaker beings
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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haha I remember that site... and in ALL fairness HolyLord, the open armories and granary at times were a lag issue and did not mean that you were cheating, especially in GameSpy. In fact that happen to me a few times and I have never cheated in SHC. :p Also Meelman was my buddy, as I would also say you are, but You both have called eat other cheaters. I have never even tested a trainer to see exactly what it does/do to your game or system, I simply can see what happens in my games, and I have never seen evidence that you or Meelman ever cheated in this game. And if you want to argue about the old events and the Guards... well every time I played in the events they were as fair was I saw possible, and when I hosted the SHC, regardless of the constant bitching from all the 12-18 year olds, (which most of you were then) And when I was a Wizard/Guard for gamespy, I was always fair, if anything I purposely shafted X2X a couple times to try to show I was fair. If I have a big head anywhere in my SHC line of thinking its that I never cheat, and in events, I am always fair. When we were all on TeamSpeak during those events, the Guards were being as fair as they could. But that was years ago.. :) So... just get rid of that silly old site, at the least keep the dust on it, never feleling the need to bring it out again B)
www.SHcrusader.webs.com VIPER......... |
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In reply to this post by (LT-U)Lietuvis_tikras
Not charged all clan members.I never cheating.LOL.
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Hi all Unfarmed if some one faster then u u think he cheat ? if some one know trick for apple( line and line ) and u dont know he make more u appel he cheat ? if i play whit noobs and do -24 cuz thay dont know this i cheat ? if u dont know something and all do that dont metter for cheat i tell u some thing silent Assassain Beter all LT U . u 5 years we 5 mounse but we smart u mad . we like in Persia this old this cuntry 9000 years we very smart pop. i promice u no program for shield just we win cuz we have good maind if want make shiled fast and click fast join x2x i learn u how.if cant prof some thing dont say anything .
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
DF Darkhell u was block how u see me i use tm ?? why lei slow boy i play whit u whit watcher we see im fast or use tm u dont know tm noob
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In reply to this post by Queen Tiina
hi tina not need to video in this video im not very fast anyone like i can make for him in best speed and he watch i dont do any cheat i make shield fast and make for all
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In reply to this post by Fena
feana u good player and u win fearplay i accept this but not easy meybe in next game i win u know that anyway was gg. any one want make shield fast join x2x and he learn
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In reply to this post by ((X2X))^IRAN^
no matter that i play 1,5 year, but you talk total shit. well you say silent is good, i tell you both are noobs. me and lietuvis gave you rules , medium res map, and you refused to play? interesting why. what a pros, can't even play with 2k, kick such noobs!
thanks about history lessons . is persia, mesopotamia, babilon, not Iran 9000 years old. about being noob, i asked best players here, they didnt know this , what means you are cheaters. |
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
HL U must cheng name clan {{aKa}}HolyLord this better u think have clan ?? this not clan this just fun gruop u 3 player whit 30 accont anyway this funy. and x2x have good name all hope join x2x
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problem that x2x always want play some 4 maps and same rules
and cry always in game about leave if not change map. so idk what point join X2X. If leaders same cant play others map. I remember how Shazabog crying about play low res map and after leave :D |
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