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At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

Your words to Dream LL "am i your df friend that betrayed u?"
You don't know who is he?????? Really Adiiiin ????????????????????????? You don't know who are your friends????????????????????????? Are you serious??????? Do you really think so ??

You asnwered on something what is not important.But you didn't asnwer on my other posts who are more important.I didn't say that you lied in everything what you said since i started my topic.I said only that you lied when you say " i don't know who is jage,riva and dream".That is lie.I'm 100% sure that you know who are they and nothing won't change my opinion.Why did you make Jage as council if you didn't know who is he lol ? Please answer me,please.I dont wanna talk more here but i must after i see that you put comment.
If i had more friends on gr i woudn't go to sleep,but i didn't have so i am going to bad.
Btw how could you recruit FU enemy to DF.Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow???
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy didn't you tell me that these players - Riva,Jage,Dream are akas when i joined DF or 2/3 months later?Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?Did i deserve that? Was i just a member in DF or something more for you?
And yes i was wrong when i  said."Logical is if you know that they are akas,you have to know their real name".That was stupid but i am sure you know who is Riva(if he isnt' lance),Jage,Dream.GB
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

1 - Why did you make Jage as DF council if you don't know who is he ?
2 - Do you reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy know who are they or not(Riva,Jage,Dream).If you know just say "yes" or "no" and explain why you hide if answer is yes.
3 - Why didn't you tell that these players are akas when i joined df,were we friends or not?
4 - Why aka Jage deserved to be council of DF clan ?
5 - Why didnt you tell me "dont play with these players" or something like that,and probably i would quess why you said it.

Just answer on these 5 questions please,it will show me everything and that is enough.
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

I'll be nice and answer your list of questions this time.

1 - Why did you make Jage as DF council if you don't know who is he ?

1.A. I'll give you the story on this. We made Jage council because he was active, a good player, and he threatened to leave the clan if we didn't, and so we made him council because in reality, at that time in D-F's history, being council didn't mean anything anyway. Council had no power, we didn't treat him any differently or respect his opinion any more than we previously had, its significance was nothing more than his name being written on a different place on the website, and we were fine with it. That is, until Jage had a dispute with Bicii, where Jage decided that Bicii needed to treat him with a lot of respect, and all in all they had a little fight. Jage came to me and said "kick him or else I'll leave the clan". Fireboy was coming online occasionally at that time, and I told him about it and he advised me on it, and we decided that Jage never truly deserved to be council in the first place, so we didn't kick Bicii, instead we demoted Jage from being council. Not surprising, Jage left D-F and then I only saw him one time after that.

The next part of that question was "why do it if I didn't know who he was". Just to be clear on that, I didn't know who he was, but he was a good player from Turkey, so we assumed he was Mert or Jasel. I don't know very much about the Turkish players, I've never been very much involved with them to begin with. So it wasn't like I knew any of them well enough to say for sure which one he was an aka of. And like I said, he was active, a good player, and polite and respectful, so we allowed him even though we suspected he was aka. When we promoted him to Council it however, was pretty meaningless. Because at that point being council in D-F meant nothing, it was clear to us and clear to everybody in the clan who had the power in the clan, so even if I wrote on the website that I was only a trainee, it would still have been perfectly understood to everybody in the clan, and probably everybody in the community, that I was the leader of the clan. It wasn't until after we demoted Jage from being council, that being council meant anything. We decided that council players needed to train other df members, and that they needed to be contributing to the clan in some way, besides just playing.

2 - Do you reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy know who are they or not(Riva,Jage,Dream).If you know just say "yes" or "no" and explain why you hide if answer is yes.

Riva- no but I have suspicions
Jage- no but I have suspicions
dream - no but I have suspicions

3 - Why didn't you tell that these players are akas when i joined df,were we friends or not?

Because it wasn't important.

4 - Why aka Jage deserved to be council of DF clan ?

He didn't, we made him council because it didn't matter to us, and because he asked. After he had an incident with Bicii we demoted him from the council and as a result he left the clan.

5 - Why didnt you tell me "dont play with these players" or something like that,and probably i would quess why you said it.

Because I didn't give a fuck, and I was treating them the same as I was every other member.

You should really feel special that I answered these at all.
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

I can't be special because this is not fucking enough.
What about Miquel dude? He is not aka.LMAO LMAO LMAO.Again Jasel and Mert to DF ? But Dingo doesn't love turkish players and Dingo doesn't know who are they,but Dingo knows that they are from Turkey.
90% of DF = akas.
Riva,Jage,Dream,Miquel,Tbag,Lord Artagnant,GoC BlackBaron - you know very well,and please don't talk to me how tbag is not aka please,and how lord artagnant is not aka,and how BB is not aka.
BlackBaron still play like a trainee of Kazax lol,but he was DF and DF is good clan.
You said you quess who these players are --------->Riva,Dream,Jage.
Ok tell now if you have a dick,TELL!      TELL ME YOUR REASON WHY YOU DON'T WANT TO TELL WHO THESE PLAYERS ARE? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? YOU SAID,YOU HAVE A DOUBT ABOUT THEM,POST IT HERE,YOU ARE QUESSING WHO ARE THEY,OK POST IT HERE.Probably you will say that these players are someone other,i'm sure or better say you won't asnwer.

*DevilJin is aka too.Why Massoz and Dingo so fucking hard defend DJ?
Why Dingo locked room when DJ came after 10 sec? What Dingo has to talking in private with motherfucker Devil jin? How DevilJin knew that Waw L@RA is Civo(TBag)?????????????? He didn't tell him.

This is game of actors,fakers and akas.
I never lied you.What i knew,you knew too.I was defending you so much and because of you(1 friend) i got 50 enemies in gr : ALL XCON,ALL FU,HOLYLORD,BARTHOLO,LUSENRAD,BLACKDRAGON and many others.Just because i was talking Dingo is best,he is top expert,you are not better then him etc....How did you back me?I was talking to you all the time put my friend Crusher on site,he loves DF put my friend Crusher on site he loves DF,you never did that BUT YOU DID EVERYTHING FOR MOTHERFUCKING AKAS IN DF AND THAT IS THE SADDEST THING,SAME FOR TBAG.Maybe Crusher didn't play too much BUT THORTON DIDN'T PLAY TOOO!!!!!! HE WAS ONLY FOR FEW WEEKS IN CLAN.
Are you playing under DangerField ?
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

In reply to this post by [AOC]~Dingo
Who is DF Fearless -> W@W Fearless ?
Who is Fearless?
again new aka in DF.Tell who was pretending so much recruiting of akas? You or Baggy?
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

may is he thinking that someone reads his shit post's.. youre such a fool just leave shc and shut up kiddie.. lol
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

( ~ ) W@W ( ~ )ƒerocious
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
Riva aint an aka , dud idk how to prove it ...he'z a good friend of mine and i have chat wid him everyday via skype and fb too .... he aint an aka  dude
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

In reply to this post by DH

2. What about Miquel? I didn't recruit him, and I barely remember him, and he didn't stay in D-F long.

3. Black Baron was never in D-F You fucking idiot. I always hated that guy, he was wearing tags for a while even though i told him not to.

4. Lord artagnant was not aka. He was a 13 yr old kid who really sucked, but he sucked up to me alot so i let him stay. He stopped playing and it gave me an excuse to be mean to him, so he was kicked from the clan. Then he returned briefly, and he gave his acc to some friend, and that is when he was aka. He was in D-F for a short time, only a few fucking days before I kicked him out of the clan. I don't understand why the fuck you're talking about artagnant. He was wearing tags after he was kicked for a while, so maybe you're confused.

As for Devil Jin, what the fuck have i ever done to defend him?

As for you making alot of enemies for me, you made those for yourself. You made enemies because you're a rude barking kid, who always has to talk shit every second.
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Re: At the end time'll show everything.Before i'll stop to listen Rap then to back on gr.GL to everyone.

please stop insult me so much,i never insulted you seriously...please stop for life.I will give you another chance to be my friend,don't worry about that.