HolyLord is the name of the biggest idiot of all times in universum.Expert or not,best or not,you are idiot,and your skills arent important.I cant belive you are bigger idiot then mlacky and barth simpson.Btw Bartholo used in game name Lord Bastard idiot looser,and that isnt strange,that is normal for idiots.
Holy i think that you can give a dick to Ares in his mouth cuz he is talking to much and he said me 2 months ago that you are best cheater and that is the reason why you didnt put him on list of greatest players-he said.Geralt you are most stupid player i have ever seen,players sometimes use fire when game end thats for fun,have some fun noob and dont think that all is so serious.Df is better then X CON,we are smarter,we know to speak english,we are better in game,we never cheater,we arent tm users,we are not from poor poland so we are better,sorry if i hurted you a little.I always dreamed to hurt people like you.Hl i am happy cuz you blocked me,i dont want problems with idiots like you.PEACE.
who is this player? ok , then i have to say im very sorry if some player cheated vs you. long time, since i played with lietuvis we tried to prevent others from cheating, none player can say i cheated or lietuvis cheated despite we played >100 games together . since im not active, i see that some players brake the rules. im not father, i cannot hit them for everything, but at least ill tell some bad words
geralt, dont go ahead with cheating, ares and lider used wc block vs lietuvis and lucifer, you should not more about past to say who is cheater who is not. none of our players ever used tm, the only place where apocalips cheated was xcon clan... d-f ? erec cheated, players used one other's accounts, f.u.? oh need to find not a cheater there. next time be more carefull with your words.