This post was updated on Oct 11, 2012; 12:18am.
Well of course I am a baby and a noob, but I am not an idiot who writes himself into first place on your fucking website, while using all times tm, wc block and violated by his own rules of the game, and still quites games, when someone makes a 50 crossbowmen, and not as you 240 + ha, and at a loss in the melee also quite game and says to enemy that he cries when he gives the to him allies after the postponement 120 + armor and 10k Gold. You're right, Fenya, as always - because you're right and everything! You do not know how to beat the crossbowmen on the (as you say cheat wall - there is a shame) and chasing me on the Internet, LOL. P.S.- forgot me- and find experts from your site.
П/C Я думал, что ты, Смагл, не работаешь на Феню- не кидаешь ему чаты мои с тобой- ну хоть, если кидаешь то кидай полностью их и не обрезай мои слова, или кто там у вас обрезает их - я хз, и ты мне первый стал писать про него, а не я. ЛОЛ- омг