I made post cuz i want to see what people think about erec,i can see that all think he is dumbass and fool and retard....Can u answer me why they all hate u erec? But i dont want answer like this "Because i owned them all"...
u see u always make akas,i know that u are better then me but Tbag Black Dragon and me saw that u use glitch cheat for faster peasents,i will lose 100 times with u but never use cheat or something like that,i can play with u more then 1000 times 1v1 if u have good feeling when u killing me....And shut the fuck up about Serbia all countries from Asia are poor countries...Only China,Russia,Japan are strong and powerful...Ur pakistan is 2/3 under water i am listening that all day on my news on TV,and usa will finish pakistan soon...Lmao..u are retarded..if u think u are not read comments of "other players"...
stop write so much erec,my comments are small,i dont want read ur comment,he is so huge...in him is all history...i can with 5 words tell all about u....Idiot,Bastard,Fanatic,Poor pakistany,Kiddy
u told all about pakistan is ok...now tell me something about ur glitch cheat....where u downloaded it? Tbag BD me saw ur cheat...u start game with tbag and after 10 mins u went somewhere....cuz u know that u cant own tbag lol.......Biger lol then idiot
Erec: "we're also a really old country like USA and Saudi Arabia. "............For u USA and pakisntan are old...Lol..what is serbia then,we are from 7 century lol...u think pakistan is good country if he has powerful nuclear weapons...Lol....i never hear for 1 sportsman from u poor paky...where are pakistan in baskettball,football,handball,waterpool,tennis,table tennis??? answer me this noob...Serbia is one of the smallest country in Europe and we are perfect in all sports only not in football....NovakDjokovic is number 2 in world... we are 4 at baskettbal championship,we are the strongest in waterpoal with croatia,hungary and italia...We were first in handball ago few years....Shut the fuck up please u can talk only about nuclear weapons.....u dont know nothing about sport because u play shc all day,and u dont have contact with world....go outside,get a life ninya told u....
Tell me one famous atletics from pakistan who is very good ?....i am not talking about waterpoal only,i am taling about more popular and famous sports then waterpoal noob,i am talking about the most popular sport football and basketball....u suck like hell,i will send u there noob shut the fuck up ur mouth,and stop to use google translater,learn english....i hope ur english will be better then mine but without google translater..