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This post was updated on Jan 11, 2012; 4:44pm.
what a stupid retards both of you adarkhell and dermnator if i am dingo how i can chat with muself idiots and retards.
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LOL what a stupid topic , of course you're not Dingo what a fool. Dingo has knowledge,he knows how to talk,what an idiot lmao.It's only Derminator who says that,but i say you're GILMAN and I'm 95% sure.
Mokka:HAPPY B-DAY GILMAN P.S MOKKA LOVE YOU <3 Tupac said : Mobb Deep nigga close you're mouth,I will blow you. peace |
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Well i am not quilty because you are alone in this world,hang your electric friend in your home and dont try be smt you arent.
I can make fake ss-s,it is easy.but it is not fair.you can wirte whatever you wanna idc.you was,are and will be idiot and aka.my tournament is best becuase I KICKING ASS IDIOTS like you.peace i will not post and comment to this idiot. You were kicked because akas,nobody call you,i know i was leader thaen i KICKED YOUR ASS out!owned. |
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I didn't make fake ss , people can recognize dingo's english and his true words.I would never make fake screenshot to prove something lol unlike you who would rotate planet to find akas and take ips.
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DH you're a joke, you would say any lie you could and if you had to make a fake ss i'm sure you would. You're obsessed as fuck, and you need to get a life.
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axxaaxaxa true
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
Lol.I would never take fake screenshot,I thought our DF time was enough to recognize me pretty good,thanks.
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shut up idiot
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!Noobfrom2002
you acting like an obsessed idiot after you were kicked was enough to recognize you. You are so pathetic and obsessed that you would try to fuck with me through facebook, and try to fuck with my friends. When you're so clearly obsessed that it's pitiful, don't try to say shit like "i don't care, or i wouldn't do that".
You even said yourself, "dingo doesn't use tm, but i say he does because he lies about other things" Proof that you're a total liar. |
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I had you on facebook because i only wanted to know how you looked like (how looks like player who plays with me everyday,it's interesting) so i sent you friend request.I have only 1 friend of you on facebook,it's Isabel.I don't even know why i added her,now I'm gonna delete her.And I never tried to insult your friends or something like that,to spam them about you,or about akas,or about shc,but you think I tried because you're an idiot.
And If you don't care me and my words then gtfo here,I'm not gonna waste my time with you when you don't care.You had me one year ago,now you have Mokka,have fun with him. |
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you are piece of shit,dont worth to spent my words idiot.
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!Noobfrom2002
lmao, i had to put my friend list on private because you're a weird fuck who would try to harass them. and even when my friend list was on private 2 of my friends still showed from my page and you said that you were going to spam them, and you even sent them friend requests Lmao. Kid you're a weird fuck, I tried to be nice to you but you had to take your creepiness to a different level. I'm happy to never talk to you again.
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I'm repeating,I had only one your friend on facebook and I have never tried to hurt your friends lol.I just said I would spam your friends to make you afraid and to panic lol,and stop talking to me because I don't care what Mokka's friends think about me,or what they are gonna say.
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you told me bitch that you going on purpose to hurt dingos female friends,ON PURPOSE!i remember it you can lie them but no me!
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!Noobfrom2002
And you sent them friend requests why? I am very curious to hear your reason, my dear weird fuck of a friend.
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I am not your friend , ask Mokka.
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okay, but you are a weird fuck
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No, I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies and hypothesis can't define how I be droppin these mockeries.
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can you close your transator he made some mistakes.
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transator? Lol , it's translator.
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