2 posts
Just to inform some people,like NL who bragg after they beat fake dh,this is not my account.This player-fake dh is aka of KoRT Fero who is aka too...maybe i did mistakes when i used name of KoRT raptor quate in 2 games and now he uses mine.
That player usually make descriptions like " Elite Tanatos is TM user and idiot " even if i had 4/5 games with tanatos ago 5/6 months so i cant know he cheat/no.
I know that many players who hate me will use " him " to talk that they have defeated me in game like NL did.But i have explained to him,and i hope that others players won't think that he is me.
By the way this only prooves how is loyal KoRT clan and how they " dont have akas"...but yes i did mistake when i used name of KoRT Raptor_quate and because of that they were yeaolus probably but i have won that 2 games on his name,so they would be happy because of that.